Our Vision
Parenting can be stressful. We all need a support system to alleviate that stress, but we don't always have close friends or relatives who can provide it.
Then, the community comes together!
Our Mission
The goal is to create a network of families with similar interests, diverse perspectives, skills & resources. Benefits may include occasional babysitting, parenting advice, or simply a shared playtime for kids.
What we Do
You can be involved as much or as little as you want!
Events: We find kids-oriented events and activities in and around town. Families that join have an opportunity to meet other families, explore Gainesville area and have fun with their kids.
Playdates: To promote a sense of a closer community and trust, families are encouraged to go on playdates with one another. We can suggest a potential family match, or a location/activity.
Membership: Join our family. Currently FREE! Get access to other members' profiles and contact information. Gain rights to create events and post in the Blog.
Message Board: Connect with other members. Schedule playdates. Ask parenting-related questions. Share useful information, links and advice.
Babysitting: If you are in need of urgent/short-term childcare, you can look for a parent within the network (and the one you are comfortable with) to babysit for FREE. (The expectation would be that you can return a favor another time).